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Evidence for "Russia collusion" found... in the Clinton camp!

Updated: Oct 29, 2017

For nine months the deep state has tried to link President Donald Trump to Russia. It turns out that Democrats Bill and Hillary Clinton made an illegal uranium sale to Russia in 2009 that boosted the Clinton Foundation by US$145,000,000. When President Trump referred to the "Calm before the storm" on October 6th, is this part of what he was alluding to?

October 25, 2017

Sean Hannity of Fox News broke the story with specific details of who the players are, where and when all of this took place. YouTube channel Shayetet said, "Senior DOJ officials are deliberating over allowing an FBI informant to testify before Congress about the Uranium One deal."

Transcript highlights

Hannity: We have made more progress in the last 24 hours. The media has been lying to you for the last year, relating to the real Russia story. We will lay it all out.

We have explosive information on the massive Uranium One scandal that the Obama administration attempted to cover up.

The Hill's John Solomon said: A work visa was granted to a top Russian nuclear executive under FBI investigation known for his criminal activities in racketeering, bribery, extortion, money laundering... in 2011, and renewed in 2014.

An FBI informant will soon likely be allowed to give testimony to Congress. The informant helped uncover a Russian nuclear bribery, kick-back, extortion, money laudering, criminal enterprise, which began one year before the approval of the Uranium One deal. All of this was kept secret from Congress by the Obama administration, on purpose. The informant had previously signed a non-disclosure agreement that prevented telling Congress and the American people the truth. This FBI informant also has evidence of Russia trying to influence the Clintons, specifically. The Hills reporting:

  • Bill Clinton tried to get State Department permission to meet with a Russian nuclear official while the Uranium One deal was actually being approved by the Obama administration.

  • Bill Clinton pocketed half a million dollars for a speech in Moscow, twice his fee.

  • Bill Clinton was advocating for Uranium One

  • Bill Clinton sat down with Vladimir Putin

  • The bank that paid Bill Clinton is connected to Vladimir Putin

  • That bank also had financial interests in Uranium One

Russian spies purposely tried to gain access to Hillary Clinton, her top aides and the former President Bill Clinton.

“One Russian spy who was successful actually got a job with a major Democratic donor, and actually was arrested and deported.”

Peter Schweizer's book "Clinton Cash" exposed how $145 million dollars in donations poured into the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State, while she was approving the Uranium One deal.

House Republicans announce that key committees will finally be launching investigations into this corrupt bribery Uranium One kick-back deal.

"We do have a witness who is a confidential informant who wants to talk about his role in this. We're in contact with the justice department to release him from a non-disclosure agreement. If that doesn't work out in a timely fashion, then we obviously would be able to subpoena him. On the oversight committee, we will be focusing on how the inner agency process worked in this."
"Seven years ago, in fact seven years ago this month, I raised these objections with the Treasury Secretary who said they would be fully investigated. Obviously, we want to see what happened to that inquiry, what information was brought to their attention, what they knew then, why they acted or didn't act, and put it in the context of what's come out since then."
"Our job here is to get facts; We're the legislative branch of government, and we will do just that."

Hannity's prediction:

"People will be going to jail over this."

This is something we've been calling for, for week, months, even over a year. The house is also launching an investigation into how the Obama Department of Justice, how the FBI handled Hillary Clinton's email server case.

The evidence of wrong-doing in both of these massive scandals is overwhelming, is incontravertable, and it put our security at risk.

Congress has a duty, a moral obligation. We can't have a dual justice system. They must investigate these scandals fully, and they must uncover the truth of actually what happened.

How is it possible that they never recognised that giving Vladimir Putin and the Russians 20% of our uranium - the foundational material to nuclear weapons - is a good idea?

With Uranium One, Congress literally can start by calling on key Obama administration officials - Eric Holder, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller. You need to testify under oath.

  • As Attorney General, Eric Holder had oversight over the FBI. He was a member of the government committee that approved Uranium One, and yet they had all this evidence of corruption and bribery. He clearly had the information.

  • Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. He was in charge of the FBI investigation into this Russian bribery and money laundering scandal.

  • Special council Robert Mueller. Back in 2009, he was the FBI director. This is when the FBI so clearly had this information. He has conflicts of interest.

There is no way the American people can trust Robert Mueller to investigate anything Russian related. To be fair and impartial, it's impossible because of his past role in this. He should resign immmediately, tonight.

  • The House tonight is also investigating the Obama Department of Justice and the FBI's handling of the Clinton email server scandal.

  • Clinton had top secret, special access program, classified information, [the FBI] mishandled the felony on her server.

  • The House will be looking into former FBI director James Coney. He drafted the letter exhonorating Hillary Clinton before ever conducting the interviews with the key witnesses, including Hillary Clinton herself.

  • Comey also abused his power when he announced he was not recommending charges against Hillary Clinton. He never had that authority.

  • Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch's meeting on the tarmac with Bill Clinton, days before Comey's decision.

These are all serious issues. All need to be investigated fully.

All of those involved need to be held accountable.

We were right about the GPS Fusion dossier. According to the Washington Post tonight, Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC - they paid for that phony research that eventually became "the dossier". That's the same document that used Russian government paid sources that made wild and completely untrue and ridiculous accusations against Donald Trump.

All of this makes the Clinton campaign and the DNC complicit in spreading Russian propaganda and Russian lies about then candidate Donald Trump.

They've been lying to you, the American people, using phony Russian sources. This lie has been going on for over a year.

This is the real "Russia collusion".

This is the real Russia story.

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